9/4/2023 Weekly Meal Plan

0a5e9dab796cea8a07eabe4eb4795b9e.jpgThis long holiday weekend has been chill. We swam, deep cleaned bedrooms, and did our weekly reset. We reset today, and the extra day off was really needed. Back to school hit us hard.

I made big batches of vegetarian chili and chicken noodle soup yesterday for this week and beyond. I put a quart of each in the freezer for later.

The freezer and fridge are organized and the meals are planned for the upcoming week and beyond.

Our Yasukochi Family Farms  CSA box is delivered on Mondays. It arrived about 2:30 today, and I was ready to dive in and get prepping!

We’ve been trying a lot of new foods lately, thanks to the really great freebies from Social Nature too. It’s fun to try new foods.

For those of you who are new to meal planning, I’ve got an easy 101-style post here with super easy tips and steps. After you get that down, here is info about batch or freezer cooking.

I’ve gotten a pretty good inventory of the pantry, freezer, and fridge (I try to update it after every shopping trip), so I’m able to plan meals and use up what we’ve got with little waste.

I only post our dinner plans for the week, because our other meals are usually the same each day.

Breakfast: Coffee with 1/2 and 1/2  for me, and a Cliff Bar, fruit, and bagels for the littlest kiddo. The big kid has protein shakes in the morning. This is his favorite kind. 

Lunch: I have a plastic tote in the cupboard full of self-serve snacks. I buy treats and snacks in bulk and fill up snack-sized zip-top bags. The big kid brings his lunch every day (The same thing every day), and the little one buys her lunch about half the time.

Dinner: I’m making sure to start our meals with lots of veggies. With the rising costs of meat, we get most of our protein from using meat as an addition to our meals, not the main component. I realize this may not work for all families, but it helps us immensely.

  • Sunday: Chicken noodle soup, green salad, cheese toast
  • Monday: Chef Salad or protein shakes (big kid isn’t a big salad fan), and fruit
  • Tuesday:  blistered tomatoes w/ pasta, garlic bread (recipe forthcoming)

  • Wednesday: Vegetarian Chili, cornbread, fruit salad

  • Thursday: Protein shakes and fruit trays

  • Friday: Takeout night
  • Saturday:  Leftover night

Q-Insights Online Shopping Study – It pays $125

QI-logoNOslogan.pngQ-insights is another company where I do research groups, focus groups, and online surveys to earn extra money.

They have a lot of stuff in South Orange County, and less often in San Diego County. This upcoming survey takes place virtually!

They are currently recruiting for an online focus group.

The study will run from Sept 12th  – Sept 14th and it will pay $125 as a thank you for your time.

If you are interested in participating please fill out the survey here.

How to fight the Sunday Scaries

You know the feeling, it’s Sunday afternoon, about lunchtime, when you realize you have to go back to work tomorrow.

But you don’t wanna go to work. You’re not ready to go back to work. There are dishes to do, and laundry, do you even have anything for lunch this week?

Here is how I fight the Sunday Scaries and ensure our school/work week goes off mostly without a hitch.

I reset the house. Put away all the stuff that’s hanging about in the common living areas. The kids pick up their toys, books, and the worn socks that somehow are littering the living room. Collect all the trash from the little trashcans in each of the bedrooms and bathrooms, and take out the kitchen trash and recycling too. I set the robot vacuum to go through all the rooms in the house. (Full Disclosure- I received the robot vacuum about 18 months ago to review and it is the most decadent thing I own. I feel like Jane Jetson every time I use it).

I refill all of our meds for the week. If you follow me on Instagram, you seen the pictures of when I post my refill shenanigans. It takes about 15 minutes, and it’s just a good way for me to make sure that we have enough for the next 10 days or so, and that everyone will start and end their day with the medicines that they need.

I refill the snack/lunch bins in the cupboard. Make sure we have enough drinks, snacks, and lunch goodies for the week. This goes for both the kids and myself. Because I am taking lunch from home. Regardless of what I’m doing during the day, I always have lunch in an insulated container, and a few bottles of water.

I update all of the calendars. I pull the calendars off of the bedroom and kitchen walls and update them with any new appointments or things that need my attention for the following week or so. I try to sync the paper calendars with the calendar on my computer/phone.

Pull together a week’s worth of outfits. This one is really important for my neurodivergent family members, and myself cause I’m pressed for time in the morning. Also if you or your kids have “must-wear “ outfits for the week make sure they are clean and ready to go. I hang up my clothes by outfit in my closet. And the night before I pull an outfit out and then hang underwear and a bra off the hanger and hang it from a command hook on my closet door. And then I go shove a pair of clean socks into my shoes so that I am already to go in the morning. My kids also set out their outfits the night before including socks, shoes, and any accessories.

Clean out backpacks and purses if you haven’t done so on Friday afternoon. This one only applies during the school year for the kids.  Go through folders, and clean out lunch boxes/lunch bags. I also take this time to pre-pack the shelf stable/non-perishable lunch items in the kid’s lunch bags/lunch boxes and leave them on the counter overnight, and then the next morning, I finish packing the perishable/cold items in their lunch boxes with the cold packs.

Meal plan/meal prep for the week. I do dinners and lunches. Sometimes I’ll meal prep breakfast if I know I’m going to be short on time in the morning (that is usually when there are spirit weeks at school and I have to spend extra time in the morning helping the kids with their crazy hair, or whatever the spirit week theme is).

Change the sheets and pillowcases. This is in my opinion, the way to ensure a good sleep on Sunday nights. It is changing the sheets, and I spray the pillows with lavender “sleep spray“.

I write up my weekly care task list.  It is in the notes section of my phone, and it’s a checklist that I can easily check off completed items.