How to prepare when Mom needs surgery

I will be having surgery next month, for the first time since I’ve had kids, and that’s 13 years.

I am excited because I need the surgery, but I know it’s gonna come with some downtime. I’ve been doing some research and I thought I would share some ways that I’m getting everybody and our house ready, so it doesn’t fall apart when I am incapacitated after surgery.

The Month before:

1. Talk to your insurance carrier to confirm co-pays, and work out a payment plan or apply for financial aid if needed.

2. Post Op snacks.  I will be doing some shopping over the next month and squirrel away good snacks I find on sale and putting them out the day before I head out for surgery. Snacks will be shelf stable, or things that require no preparation other than opening a package or putting it on a plate or bowl.

3. Make sure all of the bills are set up on auto-pay during the month I’ll be recovering.

4. Make some freezer meals, or set up a meal train (lean on your village if you have one). Not everyone has a village to lean on, and in that case, I suggest Dream Dinners. They have meals that need to go into the oven- perfect for post surgery dinners.

The Week Of:

5. Clean house! I don’t want to recuperate in a messy, dusty, cluttered house. In the month leading up to surgery, I am organizing the house, putting unneeded stuff away, or giving it away. The problem I’m running into is that our house is still in an active construction zone because of the water loss we sustained in January. As soon as our kitchen is done, I will have less of an issue with that.

5. Clean off the nightstand: Clean it off, declutter, and change the lightbulb in my bedside lamp- just in case.

6. Pick up your post-surgery medications if possible. If not, have them filled at the hospital pharmacy and pick them up before checking out of the hospital. Fill up your weekly medication pill boxes (if you use them). Ditto for any kiddo meds.

The Night Before:

7. Clean Bedding: In the days before, I will put clean sheets on the bed, wash the blankets, and fresh pillowcases.

8. Take an everything shower. Don’t forget any pre-op body wash that is prescribed.

9. Follow your doctor’s orders for eating and drinking.

10. Get a Good night’s rest. Aim for 8-10 hours.

The Morning of:

11. Take any pre-op shower with body wash that is prescribed.

12. Check into the hospital at the time requested- Don’t be late!


And finally- have comfy easy-on/easy-off clothes for after your surgery, that won’t aggravate any incisions or bruising.