3/22/2024 Free Baby Massage Webinar!

My kiddos aren’t babies anymore, but I did take a class very similar to this one when they were small, and it really helped with soothing colic and getting over tired babies to sleep.

Learn how to soothe your little one through infant massage when you attend our free parent webinar, Baby Massage: How Your Touch Can Soothe & Calm Your Little Oneon March 22, 2024 at 12 pm Central Time.
Join HealthyChildren.org medical editor and host Dr. Jennifer Shu as she welcomes our guest expert, Patti Ideran, a pediatric occupational therapist (who is also known as “The Baby Whisperer”), for a discussion about the amazing benefits of baby massage. Learn practical massage techniques, including the CALM touch strategy, to ease tension, enhance flexibility, and create lasting bonds with your little one.
Everyone who registers for the webinar will automatically be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a free copy of Ms. Ideran’s book, The CALM Baby Method: Solutions for Fussy Days and Sleepless Nights! Ten lucky winners will be announced at the end of the presentation. Don’t miss out—register today!