Q-Insights Shopping Online Community and Focus Group Pays $250

QI-logoNOslogan.pngQ-insights is another company where I do research groups, focus groups, and online surveys to earn extra money.

They have a lot of stuff in South Orange County, and less often in San Diego County. Right now they are currently recruiting for a 2-phase research study on the topic of shopping.

This study is a 2-day online community followed by a 90-minute focus group the week after. To participate in this online community, you will log on to an online platform each day and complete approximately 30-45 minutes’ worth of activities.

Online Community: May 17 – May 22
Online Focus Group: May 29 – May 31

As a thank you for your participation in both phases you will receive $250

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the survey here.  If you pre-qualify a recruiter will call you to ask some additional qualifying questions.